What is Netflix Household?
A Netflix Household is the main location, like your home, where a Netflix account is meant to be used. Netflix tracks the Wi-Fi network at this location to determine which devices are part of the household. Devices regularly connected to this Wi-Fi are seen as part of the household, while devices outside the home may need verification if used for a long time.
If you’re seeing a message saying, “Your device isn’t part of the household,” it’s likely because Netflix has detected that your device isn’t regularly connecting to the main Wi-Fi network designated as your Netflix Household.

- Close the Netflix app.
- Turn off Wi-Fi or mobile data.
- Reopen the Netflix app.
- Once the app is open, turn Wi-Fi or data back on.
- Start streaming on Netflix.
Here are common reasons this message may appear:
Account Security: Netflix may also trigger this message if it suspects account sharing outside the intended household.
Using Netflix Outside the Home: If you’re trying to access Netflix from a different location, like at a friend’s house or while traveling, Netflix may flag it since the device isn’t connected to the primary household Wi-Fi.
Infrequent Connection to Household Wi-Fi: Netflix requires that devices periodically connect to the household Wi-Fi to confirm they are still part of the household. If your device hasn’t connected in a while, it may prompt this message.
New Device or Reset: If you recently reset your device, got a new device, or have reinstalled the Netflix app, it may need to re-establish its link to the household by connecting to the main Wi-Fi network.
Household Network Change: If you moved or changed your internet provider, Netflix may recognize this as a new location, which could cause devices to appear outside the household.
Way to avoid Netflix Household Issue?
Here are several ways to resolve the Netflix household issue; please see the detailed solutions below.
1. First Method
- Close the Netflix app.
- Turn off Wi-Fi or mobile data.
- Reopen the Netflix app.
- Once the app is open, turn Wi-Fi or data back on.
- Start streaming on Netflix.
1. Second Method
In this method, ask the Netflix account owner to provide a temporary access code, which will be sent to the owner’s email. If you’re on a mobile device, select the “Watch Temporarily” option; if you’re on a TV, select “I’m Traveling” to receive the code. If your TV is already streaming through a temporary code and there’s no “I’m Traveling” option, you’ll need to update the Netflix household by clicking the confirmation link sent to the account owner’s email.