A great web host is essential for a website or blog that’s successful. Hosting is not likely to be your main priority if you’re just starting your website. The wrong web host could have serious consequences for your website and business. Do not just choose the first company that you see. Learn why choosing the right web host provider is important for your business websites.
Site speed is one of the most important factors at this time, that’s why we are directly talking about VPS hosting.
Note it.
Hosting your blog on the web is the best way for you to ensure that it stays protected online. When your blog’s advanced information is under the control of a web server it is encrypted, observed and really focused by a highly prepared help group.
Don’t get crazy for Unlimited Disk
Most of the beginners are getting crazy for unlimited things, so you may get afraid to taking limited hosting packages. Unlimited storage doesn’t exist on real life, you will get unlimited disk on shared hosting packages, but these are actually not unlimited. I’m not against shared hosting plans, but it depends on your requirements, bad hosting selection will may impact your website performance and it will directly affect your ranking of website.
Contabo – Cloud VPS $6.99/mo
the company called Giga-International which was established in the year 2000. Truthfully it was a good company in business on its own however, it was concentrated towards its German market. Thus, and in the oddity of the company dubbed Giga-International was changed to Contabo to signal its shift from German to an international marketplace.
Features include at $6.99:
- 4 vCPU Core
- 200GB SSD (50GB NVMe)
- 32 TB Traffic
- Unlimited Incoming
- Server Locations (Germany, USA, Singapore, UK)
- Webmin + LAMP, Docker,
- 1 IP Address
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Free Apps and Panels

Webmin isn’t a standard webhosting interface, but it’s a server management panel that provides a visual interface to manage the services installed, with the aim of making managing the server simpler. A list of supported services is available in the official documentation.

Webmin is by default not a webhosting interface, like cPanel or Plesk however, there was another software stack created that has the features needed to host websites.
In addition to the support modules, there is no issue to add more software using SSH or to create more add-ons for Webmin to expand the range of available services. This is possible because of the fact it is the code source accessible through GitHub.
LAMP is available since the past few years. It isn’t a platform like those mentioned previously it’s a software stack that includes (Linux,) Apache, MySQL and PHP which is the most basic program to begin with your own web-based presentation. We’ve already released a tutorial on this topic called “LAMP made easy”.
Webmin + LAMP
Since we began providing LAMP, we were frequently asked why it’s impossible to choose the two options: Webmin as well as LAMP. We always keep track of your comments, we began offering both solutions in one package to allow you to start your web page right away once we’ve sent the login information to you.